Contact Us

Follow us on Facebook: Muskogee Art Guild, Inc. 


106 S. Main, Muskogee, OK 74401

PO Box 131, Muskogee, OK 74402

General membership meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of the month at noon.

Board meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of each month at noon. Members & the Public are welcome to attend.

Member created Art is for sale at the Guild and is available for viewing each Thursday from 10am – 4pm.

We sponsor Art Classes, Workshops and Events throughout the year. Details are available on this website.

Members paint and donate banners to support the Annual Azalea festival, Symphony in the Park, and other activities as requested. We produce Fine Art for other organizations like Muskogee Little Theater, and the Masonic Lodge.

Sponsoring Visual Arts Since 1936

Muskogee Art Guild is a non-profit organization founded in 1936. Its purpose is to foster art and its appreciation in the Muskogee area, and to sponsor exhibits and other visual art forms. The Muskogee Art Guild seeks for its membership anyone who has an interest in the visual arts and is 18 years of age or older.

The purpose of the Muskogee Art Guild is to help support and promote visual artists in northeast Oklahoma, to encourage and develop fine art awareness and make available educational opportunities for members and the general public.

Muskogee Art Guild is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and/or scientific purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is not formed for pecuniary or financial gain. No part of the assets, income or profit of the corporation is distributed to, or inures to, the benefits of its directors or officers. Its duration shall be perpetual.

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